Ruby Ribbon Review: Can You Really Make Money With Ruby Ribbon?

Founded in 2011 by Anna Zornosa, Ruby Ribbon is a multi-level marketing company that offers clothing girdles. Anna had a vision to combine girdles with everyday clothes and took steps to make this vision a reality by creating this company. During this review, I’m going to go over some of the products or things the …

Is using the word ‘mosque’ offensive to Muslims?

There is much discussion about the origin of the word. “mosque.” One of the most popular explanations is that during the reign of King Ferdinand and his wife Queen Elizabeth – when they were spreading Christianity against Muslims – one of them allegedly declared that they were going to crush Muslims in the mosque where …

Some essential tips for your dandruff treatment

Our scalp consists of a distinct texture that includes the follicles for hair growth and specific types of glands that keep surface moisture intact. Many people today are faced with dandruff problems. Dandruff can become an exhausting thing that can leave a person in a really annoying stage. The anguish of constant itching does not …

Engaging Today’s Students in Active Learning (Part 4)

In Part 2 of this series, we discussed barriers to active learning: various causes that affect students’ ability or willingness to learn. In Part 3, we discuss strategies for engaging students and engaging them in their own learning. We will now examine teacher behaviors that impact learning. Excellence in the Classroom: Modeling excellence increases the …