What do new Yahoo results powered by Bing mean for website owners, SEO and online search?

As many of you have heard from Shashi Seth, Senior Vice President of Yahoo!, Bing now powers Yahoo’s search results in the US and Canada. This is changing the online search business in a big way. Bing is formerly MSN and Microsoft’s new search brand is gaining more market share than other search engines. Right …

How to use blogs as an inbound marketing strategy

In the digital/online space, effective content is content that delivers relevant and valuable information to people along the Visitors–Prospects–Customers continuum. This is what inbound marketing captures. What is inbound marketing then? According to Hubspot Academy, inbound marketing is the process of engaging customers through relevant and helpful content that adds value to them. Online content …

Why would my estranged spouse be so emotionally detached?

Estranged wives who are still involved in their marriages will often watch their husband’s behavior in hopes of seeing clues of continued emotional attachment. After all, they may have issues, but they’ve known each other (and been married) for quite some time. Presumably, you can’t turn off your emotions just because you’re separate. And yet …

The history and growth of evidence-based practice

Evidence-based practice and medicine, as we commonly know it, has had an interesting history so far. Although we now see it as the standard by which quality patient care should be provided, just twenty years ago this was a controversial topic. Evidence-based medicine really started to gain momentum in the late 19th century thanks to …

Understanding H2O at Home: Can You Really Make Money With H2O at Home?

H2O at home is a direct selling company founded in 1997. It started in France and opened a store in the US in 2009. They offer clean, non-toxic and eco-friendly related products for a variety of purposes. In addition, they offer a business opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to generate income by marketing their company or …