Question: How do I know if the seller’s name on my eBay store is legal?

QUESTION: What legal considerations are there when choosing a seller name for my online store? I do not want to use another person’s name or a prohibited name. ANSWER: Technically, there are some legal requirements for naming your business, but many of these rules are outdated (and not observed or enforced) for online sellers. In …

Adult daughters and their mothers: a tenuous bond

For many adult daughters, the mother-daughter bond is a tenuous balance of both positive and negative feelings, connection, and autonomy. And for some, the bond is greatly affected by conflicting individual needs. After a particularly tumultuous weekend with my own 92-year-old mother, I began to think about the many stories I’ve heard from my clients …

Windows XP Revisited – Teaching the faithful old dog some new tricks

Lately it seems to be fashionable among Internet writers to compare and criticize operating systems. While one user talks about the merits of Ubuntu Linux versus Windows Vista on his blog, another is quick to criticize Ubuntu’s lack of user-friendly features and available software. In this article I am here to sing the praises of …

Austin Jay Jay Okocha – The best midfielder in Africa

Born on August 14, 1973 (08/17/1973), he weighs between 70 and 74 kg and measures between 1.7 and 1.75 m. Okocha began his professional career with CCB Lions, from where he transferred to Enugu Rangers. De Enugu got a transfer to Eintracht Frankfurt in the 1992/1993 season. Okocha made his first international debut for Nigeria …

Walking the Plank: strange fictions and strange truths in Pirates of the Caribbean

“Last time you left me with a gun and a shot,” says Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp), about to be stranded on a small Caribbean island by the villainous Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush). This scene demonstrates exactly the type of punishment that was inflicted on the wayward members of a pirate crew. Unfortunately, Sparrow is forced …

Make shared visions real and meaningful to all stakeholders

Peter Senge describes “building a shared vision” as “a practice of unearthing shared images of the future that encourage genuine engagement and enrollment rather than compliance.” Its description and application applies not only to teams and organizations, but also to couples, family units, and any group of people who come together for a common purpose. …