The risks of mistreating “employees” as independent contractors

Small businesses often prefer to treat workers as independent contractors for a number of reasons: to avoid the hassle of calculating and paying employee withholdings; escape employer-required expenses for unemployment insurance, workers’ compensation, and other costs; and, freedom from overtime and other wage and hour regulations. In short, treating employees as “independent contractors” can be …

Taekwondo forms: ATA, ITF, WTF

Taekwondo Forms A “form” in Taekwondo is a series of choreographed movements, which can be performed with or without a weapon, for the purpose of interval cardiovascular training and the development of proper physical and mental technique. They are more akin to exercise and conditioning than combat, while also showcasing the artistic possibilities of Taekwondo. …

A chest workout for men looking to develop masculinity "Square" pectorals

If you want to create a great chest workout, it’s important that you define your goals. In this article, I’m focusing on a chest routine with the goal of developing a chest along the lines of what a Calvin Klein model might have. If it’s pure bench press strength you’re after, you’ll obviously want to …

DJ Lights – Top Tips and Tricks for Choosing DJ Lighting Equipment and Party Disco Lights

DJ lighting equipment is a very important aspect of any club equipment setup and should not be overlooked or underestimated. However, once you have a good idea of ​​the options available, you’ll find it relatively easy to equip yourself with some great lighting solutions at affordable prices. There are many types of DJ lights available …

Combinations that Proclaim the Birth of an Exceptionally Beautiful Woman in Capricorn Ascendant

The only thing going in the favor of a girl born in Capricorn, ruled by stern Saturn, is that they are made of sterner stuff. Their face may look mature or aged when they are young, but as they grow older and the years go by, they look younger! This is the reward that only …