Shiatsu Massage Therapy – How is Shiatsu different from modern Western massage?

There is common ground between Shiatsu and Western massage. Both systems are wonderful ways to relieve stress and promote health and focus on the body of the person being treated. Furthermore, neither system uses any sophisticated electronic or mechanical machinery in the diagnosis or implementation of treatment. The third point in common is that both …

How to Learn Photography: Digital Photography for Beginners

Buying a camera The two main types of compact cameras point and shoot camera Several cameras come with interchangeable lenses while others don’t. You will be able to examine the scene through a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). Different cameras offer viewfinders. Point-and-shoot cameras are small. They are compact and can be carried in your pocket. …

You call this networks? Marketing yourself can be difficult

networks. No matter how you tweet, tweet, link, face or space, you have to these days if you want to avoid career suicide. However, with all this online socializing, your ability to meet strangers one-on-one (probably the best networking tool of all) rusts and takes a backseat to your abilities. There is no such thing …