The difference between lifting straps and lifting slings

If you can’t tell a lifting strap from a lifting sling, this is the article for you. Both are used to move items, but have a wide variety of applications. Some people use the term lifting strap and lifting sling interchangeably. However, they are actually two different tools with two different applications. A lifting strap …

Buying a Dunlop Graspic Tire Set – Choosing the Right Winter Snow Tire

The Dunlop Graspic tire family is designed for maximum traction in winter snow conditions. Choosing the right tire takes a bit of planning and some knowledge about the typical driving conditions you expect this winter. This article is meant to help take away some of the confusion and ensure you end up with the right …

Control and end chronic pain and fight hunger pangs at the same time

How do you reduce your consumption and reduce portion sizes? Especially when you’re always hungry? It seems impossible. It’s possible. Learning what foods your body needs will ease your hunger issues as well as your overall girth. Staying flexible will be an added benefit, as well as curing any digestive issues you may have. Learning …

The Renaissance and Synergistic Environmental Science

Buckminster Fuller and Sir CP Snow warned that the existing unbalanced understanding of the second law of thermodynamics was accelerating civilization toward global disaster. To avoid that disaster, modern science needed to reunite with the life science of the classical Greek era humanities. A question arises, is it possible for the Arts to build a …