Today, it is widely accepted that muscle strength training is the single most important factor in building solid muscle, losing fat, increasing endurance, and generally promoting good health.

Before we begin, let’s define strength training. It is the method of exercise in which we increase or maximize our physical strength. It is divided into two subcategories:

a) Strength training and muscle development

b) Strength training without increasing body weight

Let’s start with the second category. Strength training without body weight gain refers to athletes using strength to achieve their goals. They increase their strength through their sports activity without adding a noticeable amount of weight to their bodies. For example, cyclists, swimmers, hikers, footballers, etc. exercise to increase their strength, but only as a means to achieve their goals.

On the other hand, strength in weightlifting and bodybuilding is obtained by adding mass and building muscles. Strength training in bodybuilding is most of the time part of an annual periodic program.

Another question would be why is strength so important? Here are some reasons:

1) Greater resistance

Strength training has been scientifically proven to increase endurance. Better endurance means longer quality workouts, which is what we all seek.

2) More muscle

Being stronger means lifting more and lifting more simply means more muscle. Those two factors are closely related. Building strength inevitably leads to adding more lean muscle.

3) Strength develops self-confidence

When you are strong physically, you will also feel strong mentally. Stronger people have much more self-confidence and self-discipline and this helps to achieve their goals much more easily.

4) lose fat

I saved the best for last. What a lot of people don’t know is that working on your strength is the best way to lose fat! Helps increase your metabolism and therefore lose weight more easily.

After pointing out some of the benefits of muscle strength training, let’s see how we can build our strength:

a) Try to reach your limits

Give your strength an extra boost by doing one or two more reps than you normally would.

b) More reps, less weight

This is the best training method to increase your strength. Keep your rep range 10-12 and weight bearing at 70% of your max lift.

c) More speed

Perform the exercises faster to engage more muscle fibers for movement. Greater involvement of muscle fibers ultimately leads to increased strength.

Muscle strength training is mandatory for any athlete, regardless of the sports activity in which they are. It is the basic element for the development of any muscle or physique.

Keep those muscles pumping!

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