Warning: don’t buy a battery-powered ride-on toy without reading this article

Battery-powered vehicles bring a whole new dimension to traditional ride-on toys, and with the most realistic selection of vehicles, kids can really play to mimic the adults around them. A wide range of colors and styles is present in the category of battery-powered riding toys. Suitable for both boys and girls, battery powered vehicles are …

Parenting a Teen: If You Want to Influence, You Need to Connect Before You Correct Your Teen

Imagine watching a baby learn to walk. You feel enthralled as he struggles to get up, laughing out loud as he stands proudly to his feet. Suddenly, he loses his balance and falls. Would you give that little boy a break because he fell? No way. You know very well that an eleven-month-old has not …

The educational implications of punishment theories

The three theories of punishment – retributive, reforming, and deterrent – attempt to classify the expected result through punishment. It is also a kind of justification for the imposition of a punishment. Educational implications: retribution and reform * Responsibly given and received retributive punishment is likely to be a kind of catharsis. * However, there …

Kinesthetic vocabulary activities accelerate learning for kinesthetic learners

Kinesthetic learners or those with ADHD or ADD who are kinesthetic learners often have a hard time learning vocabulary because it is traditionally taught auditory or visual. Kinesthetic learners learn vocabulary and reading comprehension using different methods and activities than those with other learning styles, such as auditory, tactile, or visual learners. Students with a …

Proposing to your Chinese girlfriend requires parental approval

You finally found it; the chinese woman of your dreams. The love of your life. The next step is exciting and scary. Exciting, because it is your dream come true; scary, because you’re not sure how her parents will accept you. Your Chinese girlfriend is very open-minded, but she is also a very filial daughter; …