Brochure and Business Card Design Companies That Help Make Your Mark

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s important to know and it’s equally important to remember, but given the limited amount of time, work pressure, and multitasking requirements, the human mind is constantly reeling under pressure. In such circumstances, can we really blame a person sitting at the reception desk, answering the constantly ringing phone to remind …

No down payment: how to buy a property with no down payment

If you’ve ever watched TV after 11:30 p.m., you’ve seen people talking about courses on buying real estate with no money down. They show vacation paradises, beautiful girls, luxurious cars and big mansions. We promise you all this if you buy his course to earn a million with nothing! If you want, you can spend …

Gold investment: buy gold coins to secure your future

Gold equals real money. Unlike other assets like traditional stocks and bonds, even legal tender, which really only represents the value of money, gold can maintain its own value even when an economic downturn occurs. This is why sensible and practical investors pursue gold investing. “Buy gold coins and watch them grow.” People say that …

start an apartment preparation service

An apartment preparation service provides the finishing touches to apartment buildings before the next tenant moves in. To have a high chance of getting this business, you should offer as many of the following services as possible: wall washing, carpet cleaning, painting, wallpaper repair, and general cleaning services. Your rates will depend on the individual …

Houses for Sale in Jamaica – Property Transfer Tax and Documented Legal Acts

Transfer tax and stamp duty are fees that are attached to your cost when you are involved in a Jamaican home for sale transaction, typically a percentage of the value of the land. Normally the value is in line with the sale price. The transfer law establishes that the transfer tax is 7.5%. There is …