Application of trademarks and brands in social networks – Use of terms of use

In today’s world of Web 2.0, businesses are faced with new ways to spread their presence and advertise their products and services, and the Internet is a powerful and effective tool for brand marketing. As companies explore new ways to advertise online, it has become clear that brand marketing has gone beyond buying ad space …

Reading Flannery O’Connor in a pseudo-modern age

For anyone who has taken a modern literature or creative writing class, chances are you have read Flannery O’Connor’s, A good man is hard to find. It is an American classic, written by one of the best storytellers in the world. O’Connor’s dark and often grotesque characters are distinguished by being heartless and morbid, whose …

Tyrannosaurus Rexina and the ethics of creative physics

Apparently, the fossil record tells us that the female Tyrannosaurus Rex was much larger than the male and had to tread very carefully during mating season. It appears that the female needed to consume greater amounts of calcium to produce strong eggs, which also contributed to the extra size of her formidable armament. The basic …

Environmental, Health and Safety Audits – Tips for Success!

Since the early 1970s, private industries have recognized the benefits of conducting environmental, health, and safety audits at their regulated facilities. In general, the purpose of an environmental, health and safety audit is to ensure compliance with the myriad of environmental, health and safety regulations promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the …