Many of us have watched home and garden shows on television and thought, “I want that!” More times than we can count. While it’s certainly satisfying to add a few on-trend touches to a room in need of an update, overdoing these modern design features in new homes should be avoided. This is why.

1) They change quickly.

This is the main reason to consider toning down the addition of trendy accessories and styling schemes to new homes. Just like fashion, housing trends change very quickly. The difference is the investment. Imagine that you are given a budget and told that you must buy all the clothes you need for the next ten years. Would you choose the stylish pieces straight off the runway or from the catalogues? Probably not. You’re likely to stick with timeless classics and staple items that never go out of style. Now consider the same with your home. While adding some new features might be smart and fun, it’s probably not a good idea to take full advantage of today’s newest trends. Think 1950s pastels, 1960s popcorn ceilings, 1970s shag carpet, and 1980s hunter green rug. They were all the rage at the time, but today they are not exactly outlets.

2) They take away the individuality of your home.

There was a time when communities were built by owners who bought land and built their houses on it as they saw fit. Of those that still exist, these houses are highly valued for their character and charm. However, fewer fully custom homes have been built in the US since post-World War II housing developments fueled the growth of manufactured homes that followed the trends of the time they were built. To this day, many new homes are strikingly similar, diminishing not only their tax value, but also their individual appeal.

3) They are expensive to install and replace.

As a general rule, the more popular something is, the more expensive it is, and design trends are no exception. When new homes are equipped with all of the latest and greatest features, the homeowner often ends up paying drastically more than if he had to choose a simpler, more minimalist design. Consider the trend for rustic and reclaimed materials. The reason for its growth in popularity was its affordability and uniqueness. However, once the rustic look took hold, reclaimed materials rose in price and companies began making items made to look old and worn at a high markup. Now, a design that used to be niche is expensive and mainstream. Then, once you’re tired of it, you’ll pay top dollar once again to upgrade your entire home instead of just a few features.

There is something to be said for updated home design trends and new technological features. In moderation, they add to value and satisfaction, but care must be taken not to overdo it, and your wallet will thank you.

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